Voluum Reviews: Is this the Right Choice?

From an affiliate marketer’s perspective, making more money is always the goal. But getting the desired result is not always possible. More often, affiliate marketers get to indulge in time-consuming practices.

When they use outdated methods for managing affiliates, it wastes their time and resources. In this regard, Voluum can be a solution.

There are a lot of Voluum reviews out there, but here we have portrayed the most unbiased scenario that will answer all your queries.

Therefore, without wasting any second, let us dive into the blog.

An Overview of Voluum


Voluum is a click-tracking software that allows an affiliate marketer to get further information on how every click on the ads is performing. It also allows for optimizing these ads, resulting in generating more revenue.

The reason is that it figures out all those cash cows ads. Hence, it is a good tool for an affiliate marketer to maximize profits.

The best part is adding as many ad campaigns as possible and seamlessly tracking them without issues. Moreover, real-time data analysis and AI-optimized tracking have made monitoring ad campaigns much more accessible.

What are the Key Features of Voluum?

Voluum offers many features that help affiliate marketers have breathing space as ad tracking software.

To be exact, you can divide the features of Voluum into three categories:

  • Tracking
  • Optimizing
  • Automating

These are the core three features under which many other things are comprised. Let us have a look at all these features as mentioned:


Regarding tracking ads, Voluum adopts two methods – direct tracking and redirect tracking.

Redirect tracking is when you can track the data without using third-party cookies. You can use this mode of mainly monitoring for integrated systems. On the other hand, direct tracking doesn’t comprise any redirects.

Apart from these two tracking modes, Voluum has other components like impression tracking and custom conversion tracking.

Impression tracking gives you an accurate idea of the campaign’s performance. This feature allows you to measure the impact of ad campaigns on specific points.

Moreover, tracking conversions with custom conversion tracking and tracking the organic traffic is also possible through the tracking module of Voluum.


Optimization is always the key to success and generating more significant ROIs. It helps to get the best out of the campaign you are running. The optimization features are catered towards giving affiliate marketers effective results.

Some vital optimizing features that you can find are:

  • Voluum allows you to generate data about campaigns in a quick time. It eventually helps in devising an effective campaign in no time.
  • Voluum also helps to identify the reasons behind the campaign’s failure. The error logs tool locates the problem in the campaign funnel and gives you the insights to solve it.
  • Voluum also allows you to try to check different landing pages, which might result in better outputs. The A/B split testing of the landing pages determines the better one that will bring effective results.
  • Voluum also enables you to shrink down the path of your visitors, generating results faster. The rule-based distribution of traffic leads visitors to convert quicker and makes ad campaigns successful.


Automation makes the process quick and easy. In the case of Voluum, you’ll be getting two specific features:

1. Automizer

This feature allows you to put your ad campaign on autopilot and regulates your movements with the same parameters set from the same place.

2. Anti-Fraud Kit

This feature allows you to save your landing pages from bot attacks and manage all the suspicious activities that might harm your ad campaigns and traffic.

Purpose and Benefits of Ad Tracking with Voluum

You need Voluum to track your ad campaign primarily to monitor the performance.

The main objective of Ad tracking involves watching over the advertising campaigns, their awareness, and how it performs against the competition.

This process makes it possible to obtain particular insights based on some metrics.

The data you can gain from these ad campaigns helps you overcome the shortcomings of future campaigns you might design.

Now, ad tracking with Voluum has a lot to offer regarding benefits. Firstly, it would help you have better insights into your target audience.

Through this process, you will know about their buying behavior, and with that information, you curate your campaigns to generate desired results.

Lastly, if you use Voluum most accurately, you can reach your target audience more precisely.

Want to know why?

Every audience is different to some extent and so are their needs. So, their queries also differ. With Voluum, you can try different ad placements for different audiences, ensuring more engagement.

Moreover, using an ad tracker over a manual process ensures better ROI.

How to Set Up Ad Campaigns with Voluum?

Since managing campaigns with Voluum is much more feasible, how about you start by creating ad campaigns with it?

Well, it is an easy task to pull off.

All you need to do is follow the steps below carefully:

  • Go to the Voluum Panel and select the campaign tab
  • Click on the “Create New Campaign” option
  • Choose the traffic source and the country tag based on where you want to run the ad campaign from the new page.
  • Choose global if you want to run a multi-geo campaign
  • Give an attractive name to your campaign on the allotted position on the page
  • Choose the cost price depending on the type of traffic you want
  • Select t postback URL and postback URL type depending on the requirements of an ad campaign
  • Add tags for improving the personalized search experience
  • Set destination URL based on your campaign needs and flow radio button
  • Set the domain on the advertiser field
  • Set capping options which will comprise frequency and impression per widget
  • Lastly, save your campaign and complete the process.

How to Track Campaigns on Voluum?

If you want to measure the success of your campaign, you need to track it properly. Voluum makes this job a lot easier for you, and it is a matter of just a few steps:

  • The first step in reinitiating a campaign is adding all traffic sources, landing pages, and affiliate networks to the volume tracker.
  • Then you should set the campaign URL in the traffic source.
  • Now, please bid on the source and activate the campaigns.
  • The ad is then placed onto the customer based on the type of bid.
  • When the customer clicks the ad, it redirects them to the landing page
  • If the customer acts on the landing page, it takes them to the offer page, and their Click ID is obtained
  • Now, when the customer takes offers, Voluum tracks it and records the conversion

Is Voluum Hard to Use?

For starters, who aren’t used to this type of software, Voluum can be tricky. But in reality, understanding, Voluum and using it is relatively simple.

Voluum offers you all the information you need to know before getting started. There are guides, documentation, and tutorial blogs, which you can find on the main page.

Besides, when you log in for the first time, it will provide your step-by-step guide and tips to help you learn.

Moreover, even if you are new to affiliate marketing, Voluum won’t be that tough to comprehend as it caters to beginners.

Why is Voluum so Effective?

Voluum always objects to new market trends. It is one of the fastest available solutions and has a massive influence over speed and click loss.

It also has a cloud hosting feature, which is suitable for beginners. The reason is that it allows you to invest in a single server to have your hosted tracker. Eventually, this trait makes it cost-efficient.

Other than this, there are provisions to protect the traffic from any attacks by third parties. So, you can always be assured that the data won’t get stolen.

Moreover, the smooth functioning and real-time operation have made it easier for Voluum users to optimize advertising campaigns.

Is Voluum Secure?

You can always be assured about security with Voluum. Its superb authentication and encryption method makes it a specific product for the user’s confidential and highly protected data.m. The user’s data are personal and highly protected.

Final Thought Those who want their ad campaigns to run successfully must go to Voluum to solve all problems. 

You will fail as an affiliate marketer if you don’t track your campaigns regularly. But gathering a lot of information is always the key.

The cost of using this software might be higher for beginners, but the experience and the learning you will have match beyond. Hopefully, the Voluum reviews may help you decide better.

Topics: voluum alternatives, affiliate marketing platform, affiliate marketing campaigns, online marketing, affiliate marketing tool

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